We are creating a knowledge-sharing community of EQE Candidates and qualified European Patent Attorneys


Balance IP

Partners 1

Specializing in legal protection of technical solutions. Providing high-quality patent searches. Focused on drafting and prosecuting patents in Poland and abroad. Supporting negotiations and legal disputes. Also offering legal protection of brands and designs.




IP.appify is a publishing company offering law books with a new concept.

IP.appify is a publishing company offering law books with a new concept (involving our tutors Till Andlauer and Pete Pollard as authors)::

EPC.App – The self-editable commented European Patent Convention (www.epcapp.net)

EPC.App is an annotated EPC which is meant to be used as reference book when preparing for the EQE and for working as a European patent attorney afterwards. It intends to overcome the long felt need of candidates marking a printed EPC commentary by hand and watching the marked-up book to become outdated with every new version. To this end, an electronic book is provided, implemented as a web browser application (App), which enhances the EPC provisions with coloured markings and authors’ comments. The App allows users to further edit the content (e.g. to add own comments on insights gained while preparing for the EQE), to adapt the layout to their preferences (e.g. change colours of markings), to receive updates from the authors on changed legal provisions without losing already added own annotations (in contrast to conventional books), and to create a printable PDF which includes all own adaptations for use in the EQE.

PCT.App – The self-editable commented Patent Cooperation Treaty

PCT.App is a PCT commentary which forms the second reference book of the series. It intends to allow an easy start into the PCT and to find answers quickly during the EQE without requiring to learn the whole PCT. The structure basically reflects the chronological processing of the international application. All articles and rules of the PCT are included, reordered according this structure, and further enhanced by supplementary overviews and explaining comments, all for providing more intuitive access to the PCT. It uses the same software platform as the EPC.App, so that the same editing and PDF generation functions are available.

Participants of an EQELIBRIUM camp may profit from a group discount of 50% on the regular price of either the EPC.App or the PCT.App.