We are creating a knowledge-sharing community of EQE Candidates and qualified European Patent Attorneys

Sara Morabito

Sara Morabito 1

Sara Morabito

  • tutor

Sara graduated from University of Padova in 2000 and she holds a degree in Chemical Engineering. She also has a PhD in Hydrodynamics and Environmental Modelling (University of Padova). She works in IP since 2002 and now she is currently working at Cantaluppi & Partners – Padova. Her practice includes Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Mechanics, patent and design law and practice, competition law, and technical litigation concerning IP related matters.

Since 2012, Sara is a an epi and CEIPI tutor and coach for the EQE Candidate Support Project. She is an Italian and European Patent Attorney, Professional representative before OHIM (Community Trademark and Design Office) and UIBM (Italian Patent and Trademark Office) for Designs.

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Meet the rest of the team


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Till Andlauer 3

Till Andlauer

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Till studied physics at the Technical University of Munich, where he graduated with a PhD in the field of theoretical semiconductor physics in 2009. He qualified as a German patent attorney in 2012, passed the EQE pre-exam in 2012, and the EQE main exam in 2013. He works as a patent attorney and Partner at WESER & Kollegen, a firm of selected IP professionals in Munich.

Since 2013, he is active as EQE tutor, starting as a coach in the Candidate Support Project by tutoring candidates from states having few EQE-qualified representatives in close interaction over their entire period of preparation for the EQE. He is a tutor of EQELIBRIUM since 2017 and further gives the WESER & Kollegen Course on European Patent Practice for patent professionals from outside Europe.

Till is also a co-founder of IP.appify GmbH and editor of EPC.App, a state-of-the-art commentary on the European Patent Convention, which is dedicated to be used as reference book for the EQE.

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Magdalena Augustyniak 5

Magdalena Augustyniak

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Magdalena is a European Patent Attorney since 2015 as well as a Polish Patent Attorney and a professional representative before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) since 2011.

She graduated from the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology and is involved in a wide range of services related to the filing and prosecution of applications and maintenance of patents in the fields of organic and inorganic chemistry, pharmacy and process engineering, as well as in the filing and prosecution of Supplementary Protection Certificates.

Magdalena is a Council member and a Board member of epi as well as an epi tutor.

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Oana Boncea 7

Oana Boncea

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Oana graduated from the University of Bucharest in 2002 and she holds a degree in Chemistry.  In 2007, she began working as a trainee in patents for Rominvent SA, an Industrial Property Agency from Bucharest, Romania, where she continues to work at present, too. She has qualified as a European patent attorney in 2012.

Presently, she is a Romanian and European patent attorney, in charge with drafting, filing and prosecution of European, PCT and national patent applications as well as issuing opinions regarding patentability, infringement and validity of intellectual property rights and conducting patent litigation cases in front of national Courts.

Since 2012 she’s been a coach in the EQE Candidate Support Project, offering training and guidance for passing all papers of the EQE exam for several generations of students. In this role, she supported EQE candidates in their exam preparation and participated in the development of study materials and methodologies. She is also an EPI and CEIPI tutor and lecturer for the CEIPI/epi Basic Training Course in several locations all over Europe and in 2016 she has also joined the CEIPI team for the preparatory seminars for papers A and B.

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  • founder
Łukasz Bogdan 9

Łukasz Bogdan

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Lukasz graduated in Electronics and Telecommunication from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. He is a research and development manager with serval years of experience in fundraising and leading publicly founded, industry oriented projects. He participated in Top 500 Innovators Programme at Hass School of Business, University of California, Berkeley.

He is specialized in drafting and prosecution of patent applications, especially in the fields of electronics, telecommunication and computer science. He also advices on innovation protection strategies for R&D institutions and start-ups.

In 2016, after finishing the training provided by Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys, he has successfully been certified as polish patent attorney.

The same year he has passed the pre-exam of the European Qualifying Examination and in 2017/2018 passed parts A, B and D of the EQE main exam. He is a polish coordinator of CEIPI „Basic Training Course in European Patent Law”  provided by University of Strasbourg.

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Gabi Fettes 11

Gabi Fettes

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Gabi has studied organic chemistry at Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zurich and completed her PhD in total synthesis in 2007. She received her training as a patent attorney in private practice, which allowed her to expand her technical knowledge from organic chemistry to biochemistry, medicinal technology, material sciences, and mechanics.

Gabi qualified both as a Swiss and a European Patent Attorney in 2012. Since then, she has been dealing with all aspects of patent granting, opposition, and infringement procedures, novelty and freedom-to-operate opinions, supplementary protection certificates, designs, and trademarks.

Gabi has also been involved in the training of several patent attorney candidates, and is a tutor for and the coordinator of the CEIPI Basic Training Course in Zurich. In 2016/17, she attended the CEIPI Course on Patent Litigation in Europe. Looking for new challenges and going back to her roots, Gabi has joined Givaudan International AG, a multinational flavors and fragrances company headquartered in Switzerland, in 2017.

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Nina Ferara 13

Nina Ferara

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Nina Ferara works as an in-house patent attorney at IBM in Stuttgart, Germany. She handles a wide range of topics related to intellectual property, working primarily in the software field. Nina started her IP career in a boutique private practice patent law firm in Munich, Germany, where she qualified as a European Patent Attorney in 2019. She has been tutoring candidates preparing for the EQE since shortly after qualifying: first as a Candidate Support Project (CSP) coach, then also as an epi tutor. She is active as an associate member of the Professional Education Committee of the epi since 2020. At the epi, Nina is also a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Working Group. Nina is also part of the editing team of Visser's Annotated European Patent Convention.

Prior to her IP career, Nina got her BSc in physics and mathematics from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and her MSc in theoretical and mathematical physics from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Technical University of Munich in Germany.

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Agata Granis-Rafferty 15

Agata Granis-Rafferty

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Agata graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Warsaw in 2007 with a Master degree in chemistry (Specializes in analytical chemistry). In 2012-2015 she participated Intellectual Property Training for Patent Attorney Candidates at the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys organized with cooperation with the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. In 2016, she passed the Polish qualifying examination for patent and trademark attorneys.

In 2012-2016 Agata was a student of a CSP program attending CEIPI and Delta Patents Preparatory Seminars for Pre-Examination and Papers ABC and D. In 2013 she passed the Pre-Examination part of the European qualifying examination. In 2018 Agata passed the European qualifying examination (EQE). Since 2007 she has been working for Patpol - European and Polish Patent and Trademark Attorneys.

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  • education coordinator
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Katerina Hartvichova 17

Katerina Hartvichova

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Katerina is a Czech Patent and Trademark Attorney, European Patent Attorney, and European Trademark and Design Attorney. Katerina graduated in chemistry from the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague, and worked for 6 years as a junior researcher in the field of new catalysts for homogenous and biphasic catalysis. In 2012 Katerina passed the European qualifying examination (EQE). In 2015-2016, she took the CEIPI Litigation Course in preparation for the upcoming EU Unitary Patent.

Her daily work includes mainly drafting and prosecuting patent applications, both Czech and European, and advising clients on patent protection strategies. Katerina is a tutor at the Czech Industrial Property Training Institute, and she has co-authored a commentary on the Czech Patents Act. Katerina is also an epi and CEIPI tutor, and a member of epi Professional Education Committee.

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Paulina Młynarska 19

Paulina Młynarska

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Paulina graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology in 2017 and she holds a degree in Mechatronics.

Since 2016 she has been working for JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys, firstly focusing on technical advice during patent searches, and over time deepening her knowledge of the law and patenting procedures.

In 2018 she started her training to become a Patent Attorney, both national training organized by the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys in cooperation with the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, and European – as a student of a Candidate Support Project (CSP) coordinated by the EPO.

In 2019 she passed the Pre-Examination part of the European Qualifying Examination.

After a hard pandemic year and EQE cancellation in 2020, Paulina passed both the European Qualifying Examination (EQE) and the Polish qualifying examination for patent and trademark attorneys in 2021.

As a person taking part in the first eEQE online examination, she deeply understands the challenges of the new examination format.

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Petra Pecharová 21

Petra Pecharová

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Petra is a European Patent Attorney with background in physics and mathematics, qualified in 2015. She is Czech and lives and works in London, UK. Her day to day work includes drafting and prosecuting applications worldwide (including some countries in which European applicants do not routinely file, such as Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan or Argentina (yes, the non-PCT TW and AR!)), providing FTO opinions, and an occasional opposition.

Regarding her experience in tutoring, she is a CSP coach and an epi Tutor, and occasionally lectures for CEIPI and European Patent Academy. She has seen both the "Eastern" and "Western"; approach to exam preparation, and she is trying to combine these two into something new and exciting.

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Pete Pollard 23

Pete Pollard

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Originally from the UK, Pete has lived in The Netherlands for 30 years. For 10 years, he worked at DeltaPatents, doing patent work, giving training in European & PCT law and teaching candidates how to pass EQE Paper D.

He was one of the original tutors when DeltaPatents started training patent administrators, and one of the first to teach formalities at the EPO as part of their EPAC program. In 2017, he started his own firm, Fireball Patents, providing cost-effective patent services to SME’s and startups. He currently teaches methodologies for EQE Papers A & B at Maastricht University, and provides practical training for FORUM Institut in patent formalities.

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AnnaValborg Guðmundsdóttir

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Anna Valborg Guðmundsdóttir 25

Anna Valborg Guðmundsdóttir

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Anna graduated from the University of Toronto in 2009 with a PhD in organic chemistry. She passed the EQE pre-exam in 2015 and EQE main exam in 2017 after being a participant of the Candidate Support Project (CSP) coordinated by the EPO.

Anna Gudmundsdottir is a European Patent Attorney at Ossur, a global leader in non-invasive orthopaedics, based in Iceland. She works closely with the R&D teams and with the support of outside counsel, to provide a strong global IP portfolio. In addition to prosecution matters, she manages preparations of freedom-to-operate opinions, monitors competition IP activities and maintains a high level of IP awareness within the Company.

Before joining Ossur, Anna was a patent manager at Actavis for 6 years. She currently is an EPI tutor, a CSP coach, a member of the EPI professional education committee in addition to being a board member of The association of Icelandic patent attorneys.

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Grzegorz Wesela-Bauman 27

Grzegorz Wesela-Bauman

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Grzegorz graduated from Faculty of Chemistry at Warsaw University of Technology in 2010 with a M.Sc. Eng. in chemical technology (specialisation in technology of bioactive compounds). During studies he specialised additionally in Crystallography and Theoretical Chemistry at Warsaw University. He obtained his PhD within the International PhD studies (MPD programme) at Warsaw University in cooperation with Warsaw University of Technology, University of Edinburgh and SUNY University at Buffalo, NY, USA.

Grzegorz is an author of nine scientific papers and of five conference papers. Overall he presented his results on more than 15 scientific conferences around the world.

He passed the EQE pre-exam in 2018 and the main exam in 2019 while developing his own way of approaching the exam. Grzegorz experience involve invalidation/opposition proceedings, drafting legal opinions and prosecution of patents for major pharmaceutical and technological companies. He was also involved in infringement procedures and prosecution of SPC applications.

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Marcin Wróblewski 29

Marcin Wróblewski

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Marcin graduated from Technical University of Lodz with MSc degree specializing in food industry. In 2012-2015 he participated in Intellectual Property Training for Patent Attorney Candidates at the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys organized with cooperation with the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.

In 2016, he passed the Polish qualifying examination for patent and trademark attorney. In 2016 he passed the Pre-Examination part of the European qualifying examination. In 2018 Marcin, as one of the first participants of EQELIBRIUM Camps, passed the European qualifying examination (EQE). Since 2016 he has been working for Technical University of Lodz.

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